Hog Roast Gardham Machine Hire

Hog Roast Machine Hire

It isn’t just our unbeatable catering services that we can provide when it comes to assisting you in producing some great food for your event. We also offer a hog roast machine hire service that is as popular with amateur chefs as it is with professional caterers. We can give you the chance to use some of our cutting-edge catering equipment if you want to do your own food for your event. We have options to suit a range of different catering requirements and our expert team will make sure you have exactly the right piece of equipment to give you the best chance of achieving catering success at your event.

Industry leading hog roast equipment for hire

If you hire a hog roast machine from us, you will have the opportunity to use the most advanced hog roast catering equipment available on the market. Because we design and manufacture our own equipment as well as using it every day in the catering side of the business, you be assured that every component of our machines is made for maximum function and reliability. We have various models available for hire that can all do slightly different things, as well as varying in capacity, but they all come with the guarantee of performing at an optimum level and helping you to provide the standard and quantity of food that you want, even if you don’t have much, or any, hog roast catering experience.

We have machines that are compact enough to be used in more intimate venues or for smaller parties, as well as incredibly robust machines that can produce a very large volume of food in one go. Whether you want to cook two hogs at once or use the machine to prepare barbecue dishes, baked potatoes or perhaps rotisserie style chickens, just let the Hog Roast Gardham team know what you need, and we will select a machine that matches your requirements perfectly.

Hog Roast Machine
Spit Roast Kit
Chicken Spit

Try before you buy options for professional caterers

If you are looking for a new piece of catering kit to liven up your repertoire, give you more flexibility or enable you to cater for larger events in outdoor venues, a hog roast machine fits the bill every time. We appreciate that making an investment in new equipment requires careful consideration, which is why our try before you buy option is such a great way of enabling you to see for yourself just how good our hog roast machine are, and how owning one could boost your catering business in a number of ways.

We will advise you on what would work best for your business and then let you give it a go yourself. Our clients really appreciate being given the option of trying our equipment out before making a decision, and we have had the pleasure of hearing lots of great success stories from catering business owners who have gone on to purchase a hog roast machine from us after initially hiring one!

Affordable self-catering options for any party

Our hog roast machines aren’t just suitable for professional chefs. If you are looking for a unique DIY catering option for an outdoor event you are hosting, don’t let not having much catering experience put you off. We have models that are so user-friendly that even someone who has never catered for their own party before can’t go wrong. With a minimal amount of prep involved and a specialist piece of equipment doing all of the hard work for you, you will have plenty of time to be a good host to your guests and have a great time alongside them without having to worry about the food all night.

We can provide everything else that is required for creating your own hog roast feast too. This includes the provision of gas cannisters, as well as the hog itself if you are struggling to find a high-quality pork supplier on your own. If you do ask us to supply the meat too, you can rest assured that it will be the finest free-range pork available and sourced from a reputable UK producer.

Expert advice and support

Whether you are a professional chef or an amateur caterer looking to take your barbecuing skills to the next level, you will receive transparent pricing information and all of the support and guidance you need to help you to operate one of our machines safely, confidently and successfully. After you have made your initial enquiry, our team will determine which model will be best suited to your requirements and we will explain all of its features to you to ensure that you are happy that is it definitely the perfect hog roast machine for your event.

We will make the entire process of hiring a machine as hassle-free as possible for you. We will deliver it to your venue, along with anything else that you have asked us to provide. When we get there, we will take you through how to operate it and give you some top tips for achieving the most melt-in-the-mouth succulence and crispy crackling for your pork. When your event is over, we will come back to collect the machine and we will take care of cleaning it for you too.

Whatever you hog roast machine hire requirements are, we will have a model that meets your needs, so please contact us here at Hog Roast Gardham to find out more!